Tan Seh Ping: Education is the Key to Success

Tan Seh Ping: Education is the Key to Success

How has the programme equipped students for employment? 

The degree programme in International Business equipped students with diverse skills and knowledge that made them valuable assets in the job market. Firstly, the programme provided students with global business knowledge, teaching them how businesses operated in different countries and cultures. This knowledge enabled them to navigate complex international business environments and collaborate effectively with colleagues and clients from diverse backgrounds. Additionally, students learned how to analyse market trends and economic data, acquiring skills applicable to various industries. To develop their understanding of data analysis, students conducted market research and utilised data to make informed business decisions as part of their final-year project.

How has the programme equipped students to contribute to society? 

The programme equipped students with the knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on society in a variety of ways. Initially, the programme prepared students to contribute to the community by embracing social responsibility. They learned about the social and environmental impact of business operations and gained the ability to develop sustainable business practices. The class incorporated the teachings of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to provide students with a broader vision. Armed with this knowledge, graduates can assist companies in operating socially responsibly and making a positive societal impact.

If any academic/management staff has impacted students in any significant way: 

Sunway University's academic staff significantly impacted the students' thanks to the excellent quality of teaching by the lecturers. Their passion for their respective subjects and ability to engage with students inspired a strong desire for learning. As a result, students gained a deeper understanding of the subjects. Additionally, the lecturers were always available and willing to assist students with any academic challenges. In my personal experience, the lecturers provided valuable advice and support, significantly improving the quality of my assignment reports. Furthermore, the management staff played a crucial role in helping students prepare for employment. Through their guidance, a majority of Sunway University students were able to secure jobs, earning the university the top spot in Graduate Employability among all universities in Malaysia.

What skills were acquired from the programme of study that benefitted them (e.g. Entrepreneurial skills, teamwork, etc.):  

A degree in international business provides students with a broad range of skills and competencies essential for success in the global business world. One of these skills was cross-cultural communication, as students developed the ability to communicate with individuals from diverse cultures during group assignments effectively. I also acquired valuable data analysis and research skills, learning to gather and analyse data for my final year project. These skills prepared me for my future career and enabled me to make informed business decisions. The program fostered an entrepreneurial mindset, teaching me to think creatively and identify untapped market opportunities for new businesses.

Campus experience – holistic student experience: 

Sunway University felt like a second home to me, as I spent four years there completing my diploma and degree. I cherished numerous meaningful memories from my time at the university, including forming friendships with international students and collaborating with them on assignments. Initially, I faced challenges due to English not being my first language, and I worried about potential cultural barriers. However, through teamwork and support from the academic staff, we overcame these obstacles together. Sunway University was a vibrant and joyful institution for me, and one unforgettable gesture was when the university provided all students with a free Sunway Lagoon annual pass. I was pleasantly surprised and deeply grateful, as Sunway University proved to be not just a place of education but also a place where enduring and joyful memories were created for all students.

Edited by
Arumugam Muthusamy
Sunway Business School
Email: @email