South-East Asian Network @ Nano-Materials and Energy Storage (SEANet@NanoES)


South-East Asian Network @ Nano-Materials and Energy Storage (@email)


About Network

The South-East Asian Network @ Nano-Materials and Energy Storage (@email) represents a group of researchers and institutions with a collaborative interest in research and teaching activities. The network aims at promoting the research and teaching in the area of nanomaterials and its application in energy storage in South-East Asian Countries. The network is involved in niche area of research and teaching in nanomaterials and energy storage. Research themes focusses on clean and affordable energy research fulfilling SDG 7, synthesis of emerging nanomaterials and applications of nanomaterials in thermal and electrical energy storage. Main activities under this network includes joint organization of International conferences, seminars and workshops to promote this thematic area, joint research publications, formulate joint research projects and facilitate good research and teaching practices in South-East Asian countries.


  • To create a strong, long-term collaborative research network between Sunway University and partner academic institutions in South East Asian countries.
  • To actively promote and publicise good research and teaching practices between Sunway University and partner institutions in South East Asian countries.
  • To jointly organize the workshops/seminars/International conferences on common area of research.
  • To share each other’s research facilities (Sunway University and partner institutes) to conduct high impact research in common area of research in Nanomaterials and energy storage.
  • To conduct high impact research and publish in Q1 and Q2 journals.