Yeoh Min Li's Paper Published in Q1 Journal - Biofuels, Bioproduction, and Biorefining

Yeoh Min Li's Paper Published in Q1 Journal - Biofuels, Bioproduction, and Biorefining

A recent graduate of Master in Sustainable Development Management (MSDM), Yeoh Min Li, has just published a paper in a Q1 journal, Biofuels, Bioproducts, and Biorefining. The paper is based on her Research Project in her master's study. This study examines the current status as well as opportunities and challenges to POME-based HVO in the country from both the perspectives of industry and government. She has conducted not only careful policy analysis and data crunching but also in-depth interviews with experienced industrial key informants and policymakers from various government agencies. The full text is now available here.

At the same time, Min Li also collected credits from other taught courses to complete her master’s study with a distinction in just 12 months. It’s hard to believe in the first place but everything was done online including the extensive interviews with the stakeholders. She rightly serves as an inspiration to other students to perform both academically and professionally well. Min Li is now back in the field again doing what she is best at.

Double congratulations again to her for completing her master’s with distinction and publishing her very first research paper!