
MRCP PACES Preparatory Course & Mock Examination

The seats for candidates are full. For doctors who are interested, you can still sign up as observers! Registration is based on first come first served basis.  So register now before we run out of seats for observers.
School of Medical and Life Sciences

2nd Royal College of Physicians - Sunway- Cambridge Medical Seminars

The second Royal College of Physicians- Sunway- Cambridge Medical Seminars will be a fantastic opportunity for specialist and general medical practitioners of any g

Second RCP-Sunway-Cambridge Medical Seminars

Calling all general and specialist doctors! Save the date for our 2-day seminar which will be an engaging meeting featuring international and local speakers with a good mix of insightful plenary lectures interspersed with breakout workshops covering…
Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development

Global Solutions Forum

25 September, 2019, New York