Featured Journals


All quality papers submitted to the conference will have a chance to be invited to submit and get published in the featured conference Journals. All selected papers will go through a double-blind review process managed by the editorial team of the journal. Papers submitted to the journal will need to comply to the submission guidelines and quality standards of the journals.


Applied Thermal Engineering

Applied Thermal

The proposed special issue in the journal Applied Thermal Engineering (Impact Factor: 6.4) aims to highlights advancements in materials and AI for sustainable thermal engineering solutions in energy technologies. It calls for submissions on cutting-edge materials, trailblazing approaches, and AI applications in areas such as thermal energy storage, heat exchangers, and waste heat recovery. Additionally, it explores exergy-driven sustainable development, process optimization, and life cycle assessments. 

The issue aims to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to share knowledge, insights, and experiences in this rapidly progressing field. By featuring a mix of conference papers and curated contributions, it offers a comprehensive perspective on the latest innovations shaping the future of sustainable energy technologies. The special issue will address the following topics:

•    Sustainable Energy Technologies 
•    Advanced Materials 
•    Thermal Engineering 
•    Artificial Intelligence  
•    Thermal Management 
•    Energy Conversion 
•    Energy Storage 
•    Machine Learning 
•    Life Cycle Assessment 
•    Environmental Impact 
•    Exergy Analysis 
•    Waste Heat Recovery 
•    Heat Exchangers 
•    Thermoelectric Materials 
•    Phase Change Materials 
•    Artificial Neural Networks 
•    Thermo-economics 
•    Exergo-economics 
•    Clean Energy Policies 



Environmental Science and Pollution Research

This special issue of Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Impact Factor: 5.8), highlights cutting-edge research and innovative ideas regarding advanced materials and concepts for energy technologies and environmental applications in the pursuit of sustainability. Consequently, this special issue presents novel strategies and solutions to tackle the challenges arising from the increasing global energy demand, and to combat the detrimental effects of pollution and greenhouse gases caused by the consumption of fossil fuels.

Moreover, these contributions are closely aligned with the United Nations' sustainable development goals, specifically goals 7, 9, 11, and 13. The special issue would cover the integration of advanced materials in applications such as:

  • Energy storage technologies
  • Fuel cells and hydrogen technology
  • Green & cost-saving fuel production
  • Carbon capture
  • Green buildings
  • Electric vehicles and low-carbon transport
  • Waste management
  • Recycling of energy materials
  • Climate action & environment
  • Wastewater treatment
  • Water adsorption
  • Gaseous pollutant monitoring



Energy Technology

The proposed special issue in the journal Energy Technology (Impact Factor: 3.8) aims to highlight the role of advanced materials in the development and implementation of sustainable energy technologies, with a particular focus on breakthroughs and innovations that have the potential to reshape the energy landscape. The special issue will address the following topics:

  • Advanced materials for energy conversion, including photovoltaic, thermoelectric, and piezoelectric materials.
  • Next-generation energy storage materials and technologies, such as advanced batteries, supercapacitors, and hydrogen storage.
  • Materials for enhanced energy efficiency, including thermal insulation materials, phase change materials, and smart materials for demand-side management.
  • Advanced materials for sustainable fuels, including catalysts for efficient biofuel and synthetic fuel production, as well as materials for carbon capture and utilization.
  • Materials for renewable energy integration, such as materials for grid-scale energy storage and advanced power electronics.
  • Nanomaterials and nanostructures for sustainable energy applications, including nanocomposites, quantum dots, and 2D materials.
  • Degradation and lifetime studies of advanced materials in energy applications, addressing issues of material stability, recyclability, and environmental impact.
  • Advanced characterization and modeling techniques for material properties relevant to energy applications.
  • Techno-economic analysis and sustainability assessments of emerging materials and technologies in the energy sector.



Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects

The journal aims to investigate resolutions for the continuing increase in worldwide demand for energy, the growing impact of energy use on the environment and climate, and the energy transition needed to sustainably address these challenges. (Impact Factor: 2.9)

You are invited to submit manuscripts that explore the technological, scientific and environmental aspects of:

  • Biofuels and bioenergy
  • Coal energy
  • Carbon capture, storage, and utilization
  • Decarbonization of energy systems
  • Energy from waste
  • Energy Storage and flexible generation
  • Energy efficiency
  • Environmental impacts of smart technologies
  • Environmental impacts of energy sources
  • Energy transition
  • Gas energy
  • Geothermal energy
  • Greenhouse gas removal
  • Nuclear energy
  • Oil shale energy
  • Petroleum and processing industry
  • Smart technologies in energy applications
  • Solar energy
  • Wind energy


E3S Web of Conference


E3S Web of Conference is an Open Access publication series dedicated to archiving conference proceedings in all areas related to Environment, Energy and Earth Sciences. The journal covers the technological and scientific aspects as well as social and economic matters. Major disciplines include: soil sciences, hydrology, oceanography, climatology, geology, geography, energy engineering (production, distribution and storage), renewable energy, sustainable development, natural resources management and environmental health.

E3S Web of Conference is a Scopus Indexed Conference Proceeding. 



Malaysian Journal of Chemistry (MJChem) 

The Malaysian Journal of Chemistry (MJChem) is the flagship publication of the Malaysian Institute of Chemistry (also known as Institut Kimia Malaysia) which aims to provide a publishing platform for scientific research findings in the fields of chemistry and chemistry-related areas. The journal publishes articles in all branches of chemistry : analytical , inorganic, materials, nuclear, organic, natural products, physical and theoretical chemistry. MJChem also publish articles of recent topics in chemistry such as nanotechnology and sustainability. The journal is indexing in Scopus effective June 2018.

Article contributions including but not limited to, the following topics will be considered for publication: 

  • Analytical chemistry (Characterization and analysis)

  • Inorganic chemistry (Organometallic chemistry)

  • Materials chemistry (Solids, liquids, polymers)

  • Nuclear chemistry (Radioactivity, nuclear properties and processes, such as nuclear transmutation)

  • Organic chemistry (Structure, properties, composition, mechanisms and reactions of organic compounds)

  • Physical chemistry (Chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, electrochemistry, statistical mechanics, spectroscopy and more recently astrochemistry)

  • Theoretical chemistry (Quantum mechanics, quantum chemistry, computational chemistry, computer programs)