Establishment of the Sunway University School of Education

Sunway University
School of Education

Sunway University is proud to announce the establishment of a new school, the School of Education!

The establishment of the School of Education represents Sunway University’s commitment to be a leader in education delivery, research, and innovation. This also displays the University's dedication to providing professional educator development opportunities for everyone at Sunway Education Group.

The School of Education has a firmly established vision and mission. 

Vision: To be the world-class hub for inclusive educational research and innovation.

Mission: To nurture transformative education leaders and innovators to ensure inclusive, equitable, and life-long quality education opportunities for all.

The School of Education welcomes every Sunway Education Group community member to participate in its efforts to build synergy. This will be done by consolidating the existing entities' ongoing efforts to create a more cohesive approach towards education delivery, research, and innovation.