The Asia Sustainable Fashion Forum

Event Attendees

The Asia Sustainable Fashion Forum, held in conjunction with the Sustainable Stylecon, brought together a powerhouse of industry leaders, visionaries, and advocates to ignite conversations on sustainable fashion and its transformative potential.

The panel discussions were nothing short of remarkable! We were privileged to have esteemed panelists who shared their profound insights and experiences. The panellists included:

Ms. Natalie Ang Ai Dee - 2nd Runner up of Miss CosmoWorld Malaysia 2022: Her presence brought a unique perspective, bridging the worlds of fashion and pageantry, and highlighting the role of beauty queens in promoting sustainability.

 Dr. Shraddha Kulkarni - Mrs. West India 2018: As a sustainability advocate herself, Dr. Kulkarni provided invaluable knowledge on the intersection of sustainability, fashion, and cultural diversity.

Ms. Michaela Maria - Sustainability Advocate & Model: Her commitment to sustainable fashion and modeling set an example for the industry. She shared her journey and emphasized the importance of conscious choices in the fashion world.

Ms. Kate Lai - Miss Universe Malaysia 2022: Kate Lai's presence was a true inspiration. She leveraged her platform to raise awareness about sustainable fashion, empowering others to make a positive impact.

Ms. Ester Yap - Founder and CEO of Stella SparX International: As the esteemed moderator, Ms. Yap skillfully guided the discussions, ensuring diverse perspectives were heard and fostering an engaging and enlightening dialogue.

Throughout the forum, these distinguished panellists explored the challenges and opportunities of sustainable fashion, discussed innovative solutions, and emphasised the collective responsibility we all have in driving change.