1st Malaysian Representative Elected to the European Academy of Sciences & Arts

1st Malaysian Representative Elected to the European Academy of Sciences & Arts

Professor Serge Demidenko of Sunway University has become the first Malaysian representative elected to the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. The Academy is a non-governmental transnational and interdisciplinary learned society that recognises scholars in fields such as Humanities, Medicine, Arts, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Law and Economics, Technology and Environmental Sciences, and World Religions. It is connecting leading scientists, artists, and practitioners of governance, who are dedicated to innovative research, interdisciplinary and transnational collaboration as well as the exchange and dissemination of knowledge. The Academy has been a proud home of 35 Nobel Prize Laureates. This includes one of the most recent recipients - Professor Klaus Hasselmann (member of the Academy since 2004) who became the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2021 (jointly with Syukuro Manabe and Giorgio Parisi) for ground-breaking contributions to the "physical modelling of earth's climate, quantifying variability and reliably predicting global warming" and "understanding of complex systems").

Professor Demidenko is Dean of the School of Engineering and Technology. Along with the entire Sunway University, the highly productive and fast-growing School has been generously supported by the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation. It has enabled building new advanced research and teaching facilities, initiation and joint development of ground-breaking academic and research initiatives while collaborating with top national and international partner universities and companies such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of California, Berkeley, National University of Singapore, Lancaster University, CISCO Systems, SAS, Hitachi, RSA, and many others. It enables also the ongoing introduction of new undergraduate and postgraduate academic programmes in Engineering, Data Analytics, Advanced Materials, Sustainable Science and Technology with more to follow.

The academic and research specialisations of Professor Demidenko include signal processing, instrumentation and measurement, electronic design and testing, cybernetics and information theory. His professional career encompasses industry and academia in the Asia Pacific region and Europe. During his engineering career, he progressed from Junior Electronics Design Engineer to Head of Joint (Industry-Academy) Test Laboratory of a large computer systems manufacturing company. Since the mid-90s he has held several senior academic positions including Head of School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Massey University; Head of School of Engineering at Monash University; Vice-President Academic as well as Head of Centre (School) of Technology and Centre of Communication & Design (concurrent appointments) at RMIT International University; Associate Head of Institute of Information Sciences and Technology at Massey University, and several others. He received his first degree (Computer Engineering) from Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics, and PhD (Engineering Cybernetics and Information Theory) from the Institute of Engineering Cybernetics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. He holds also two post-doctoral academic qualifications in Control Engineering as well as in Informatics, Control, and Computer Engineering. He has authored 3 books, over 200 archived papers, and 25 engineering patents. Professor Demidenko became the first representative of Malaysia (since 2004) elected Fellow of the world’s largest professional society – the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and has been the only one since to achieve it in the category Research Engineer/Scientist. He is also a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (since 1994) and Chartered Engineer (UK Engineering Council).