Sunway University Signs Programme Collaboration Agreement with the University of Hong Kong on Sunway Sustainability Awareness Programme

Sunway University Signs Programme Collaboration Agreement with the University of Hong Kong on Sunway Sustainability Awareness Programme

On 5 June 2018, Sunway University officially signed a programme collaboration agreement with the University of Hong Kong (HKU) to collaborate on the Sunway Sustainability Awareness Programme. The Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development, Sunway University Press and School of Arts, in collaboration with Student LIFE and the Directorate, worked together to deliver a three weeks Sunway Sustainability Awareness Programme from 5 to 22 June for Journalism and Media Studies students from the University of Hong Kong.

This programme aims to provide the students with in-depth understanding and appreciation of the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In addition, the students had the opportunity to collaborate with the School of Arts and Sunway University Press on the Sunway Trilogy project, which aims to link the creation of Malaysian culture to cultures of creative and innovative ventures by looking at the specific developments in transforming Sunway City from a mining land into a ‘Smart Sustainable City’ of the 21st century.