Bulk Superconductors: Revolution or Red Herring?

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The discovery of the so-called High Temperature Superconductors in 1987, which in bulk forms are able to conduct very high electrical currents and hence generate extremely high magnetic fields at liquid nitrogen temperatures, was heralded as the most significant scientific breakt Tough since the discovery of the transistor. 

This lecture will describe in a substantially non-mathematical way the properties of these remarkable materials, their manufacture and their potential for engineering applications, which include frictionless bear ngs, energy storage systems, MRI and high field permanent magnets. 

Professor David Cardwell is the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Strategy and Planning at the University of Cambridge. He is Professor of Superconducting Engineering and was previously Head of the Department of Engineering. He founded the Cambridge Bulk Superconductivity Research Group on the processing and applications of bulk high temperature superconductors, which can be used to generate very high magnetic fields, including the world record field on 17.6 T in a bulk superconductor set in 2014. 


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