Human Anatomy and Forensic Anthropology in Child-Related Crime Investigations

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Step changes in research tend to occur at the intersections of different disciplines. This lecture will chart the course of an entire award-winning investigative process that originated from such an opportunistic incident. The case related to an accusation made by a teenage girl of unwanted advances from a family member. The case brought together the disciplines of human anatomy, forensic anthropology, forensic science and probabilistic reasoning. Now with a large ERC grant secured, the work is progressing into machine learning and automation that could result in the identification of many more perpetrators of child indecency at an international level. That science impacts on society is in no doubt, but being able to convey the impact by the number of life prison sentences secured and years of incarceration handed down to offenders, is a powerful reminder of the importance of curiosity and explorative science and the importance of protecting the innocents of society.


24 Jan 2019


5:30pm – 7pm


JC 2, Level 1, Sunway University


Professor Dame Sue Black FRSE FRAI FRSB
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Engagement), Lancaster University;
President, Royal Anthropological Institute;
Lifetime Professor of Anatomy for the Royal Scottish Academy