Meet the Dean

Meet the Dean

Lim Weng Marc

Dean, Distinguished Professor

Welcome and thank you for your interest in Sunway Business School. As the largest school of Sunway University, the Sunway Business School envisions to be a premier applied business school in the ASEAN region (vision) by developing highly employable and socially responsible business professionals (mission). The School prides itself on educational excellence and scholarship, continuous development, social responsibility, and integrity (core values). Our future-ready business degrees are accredited and purposefully crafted by talented instructors who possess a wide range of academic qualifications and extensive industry experience in addition to a conscience of trending issues in the world today, including but not limited to the cycles and waves of internationalization, ESG standards, marketplace changes, new-age technologies, planetary health, and the UN SDGs. Our cutting-edge research is also discussed at international arenas such as the World Economic Forum, published in premier journals such as the Journal of Business Research, and shaping industry practices and public policies, locally and internationally. 

We welcome you to explore our website and/or drop us a line or two to explore and engage in exciting opportunities that will lead to mutually win-win relationships and a brighter future for us and the world in the new normal.

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