Workplace Well-Being: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?

Workplace Well-Being: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?

 Well-being at work has become increasingly significant in recent years. The concept encompasses every aspect of a worker’s physical, psychological, and social comfort. Although many human resources professionals advocate for the importance of workplace well-being in maintaining productivity and competitive advantage, some companies remain skeptical.

Historically, companies have focused on health and safety measures to protect employees from physical harm, but the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the approach to workplace well-being. Companies were forced to comply with standard operating procedures and physical measures such as social distancing, improved ventilation, face mask requirements, and disinfection to protect employees from infection. The lockdown and movement control orders that came with the pandemic disrupted established work patterns, causing employees to work from their homes and blurring the line between work and home time. The resulting stress and changes to sleep and meal patterns increased the importance of considering employee health's psychological and social aspects.

Recent scientific advancements have emphasized the importance of both physical and psychological factors in maintaining good health. Work plays a significant role in an individual’s health and well-being, as employees spend many of their waking hours at work or in work-related activities.

An unhealthy work environment or culture can harm both physical and psychological health. This is why an effective workplace well-being strategy should address how employees think and feel about their jobs, working environment, social climate, and relationships within the organization. Implementing employee assistance programs and training managers in appraising, counseling, and coaching can significantly contribute to a positive workplace culture and support employees in maximizing their performance. Companies that prioritize workplace well-being have shown to be more efficient, have higher-performing employees, and have higher profitability and returns on investment.

As the world moves past the pandemic, workplace well-being is poised to become mainstream in maintaining a competitive edge. In future discussions, implementing effective workplace well-being strategies will be explored further.

Professor Hew Gill 
Chancellery Office
Email: @email


This article was first published on Business Today, 5 February 2022.
