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Headed by an award-winning team of culinary experts, our aim is to produce quality graduates who are not only confident with their culinary skills but also able to communicate fluently, work independently and display leadership qualities that will enhance their credentials in the hospitality and foodservice industries here in Malaysia and globally.
Intakes: January, April, September
Full-time: 2 Years
Sunway’s Diploma in Nursing combines both conventional and state-of-the-art technological applications. The programme caters for those with a passion for nurturing the well-being of others. Students in this programme will be able to learn core medical and nursing subjects such as anatomy and physiology of the human body, nursing care and related support subjects such as communication and counselling. The course ensures that students acquire skills in caring, nurturing and counselling, while also working as a team to provide holistic healthcare for all patients. This programme ensures that Sunway University nursing graduates emerge as knowledgeable, competent and caring professionals when taking care of those in need of assistance from a healthcare perspective. The theory and practical assessments are conducted for each semester throughout the 3-year programme. Students will be awarded with Sunway University and the Nursing Board of Malaysia Registration Certificates upon successfully passing the licensure examination.
Intakes: July, October
Full-time: 3 Years